
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Line I Love...Soludos

With temperatures in the 80’s last week, I was reminded of the dog days of summer….no makeup…rolling away from the beach with sun-kissed hair, and wearing cutoffs and comfortable shoes.

While I love my high heels, I also love a comfortable pair of Soludos flats. There are a million espadrille brands out there, but I happen to love Soludos. The origin of their name combines Salud (cheers) and Sol (sun). Cheers + Sun = cheers to the sun.
Happiness all around

This brand is one of my absolute favs for two reasons.

One - they are super comfortable, and feel as free as a flip flop.

Two - they are reasonably priced. I have seen a number of espadrilles types out there in snakeskin and other fancy fabrics. My advice to you…don’t spend more than $60 on any espadrille, unless you are totally in love.

Here are two of the most popular styles from Soludos...the classic espadrille and the sandshoe:

Armed with that information and basic rules....go forth and espadrille.



Clockwise, top right: //Ocean View // Derby Emerald // Palm Tree // Barca // 

Clockwise, top right: // Derby Stripe //Derby Yellow // We Are Handsome // Derby Red // 

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog !! Your descriptions are perfect ! I have just created my blog :) you are welcome !


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