
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Shoe Selfies

It's hard to tweet, 'gram or facebook any more without seeing selfies. In fact, just this morning (while trying to get actual news on tv) I was forced to watch the cast of the today show take their own selfies. Will the over-use of selfies lead to the demise of their existence?? If it means selfies of shoes...I hope not.

What is a selfie?? According to the Oxford dictionary, a selfie is a noun, and is defined as:
"a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website."

Shoe selfies (I call them "shelfies") are one of the few types of selfies that I truly enjoy. Sure, I can look at shoes online any day, but give me a real life shoe in action, and I am headed straight to to try and find that shoe. There are several websites devoted to how to take the best selfie of you, but where are the sites devoted to taking the proper "shelfie"? Well, don't fret, I am about to teach the basics of shelfies.

Step 1
Make sure you have a fresh pedicure.

Step 2
Ensure a good background so the shoes pop. Even if you have to deal with airport carpet (see above), instagram will be your best friend in altering color.

Step 3
Get a good angle. I find that rotating the camera and facing the toes towards one another can add to the interest of the picture.

Mirrors can add length and give dimension to shoes.

Step 4
Make sure the shoes are front and center.

I call these my Monday morning pick me ups

Step 5
Make sure you get the right angle on your calves. If you get too much bare leg, it can be a most unflattering picture and give you monster calves.

Too much shin, not enough shoe

Looks like an ankle twist about to happen

Getting better...but too much standing has enhanced the veins.
At least we know blood is moving through the feet while wearing 4" heels.
Step 6
If possible, lift your shoes a 2-3 feet off of the ground. That allows you to lean back and really get the full shoe in the pic. Note...this requires an ab workout somewhat like "boat pose." Hopefully you have a fast camera.

Step 7
SHARE!! It's about time that shoes get the rightful place with celebrities puckering up to the camera.


So, keep taking those shelfies...and, invite your friends to share. the World of Cha Cha Shoes

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