
Monday, April 28, 2014

Peacocks and Pumps

Peacocks  - a beautifully colored bird, known for their bright and iridescent tails. The tail feathers and the colorful eye are really the functional part of the bird, and what the male uses to attract his mates. The size of the train can be more than 60% of the total size of his body, and females are typically attracted to the symmetry of the eye and the size of the tail.

While the color is beautiful to most observers, the females really go for size, not dazzling green and blue hues. Which brings me to shoes....

While I love a shoe with a pop of color, a nude shoe can be subtle, and typically let the rest of your outfit shine. And, maybe like peacocks, it's more about the symmetry and the size of the heel that attracts the mate.

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